Always and Forever Box
Always and Forever Box 1 & 2.
When deciding which books would work well with a Memories Box, Always and Forever by Debi Gliori and Alan Durant was an easy decision.
This is a touching story about friendship and how they cope when Fox, one of their greatest friends dies. Having lived together as a family, Otter, Mole and Hare really struggle to come to terms with Fox dying. They feel as though life is just not the same and find it hard to live without him.
As time passes and after a visit from their friend Squirrel, they talk about how they all miss Fox. As the conversation continues they share stories and remember all of the good times that they shared and the laughter that they miss.
With such beautiful illustrations it is easy to get swept along with the story and understand why the characters feel so sad. This is a great opportunity if reading along with a child, to ask how they think they would feel if they were one of Fox’s friends.
As the story continues, Otter, Mole and Hare start to realise that even though they miss Fox dearly, life does go on. They remember Fox and laugh at their memories feeling as though he is laughing alongside them.
In The Box
The decision was then, ‘which craft activity works best with this story?’
Always and Forever tells of Fox dying by the oak tree, his friends then bury him under the willow tree. It therefore seemed most suitable to add the craft supplies to create a button memory tree on canvas.
This activity can be an emotional experience. It can give the person doing it the opportunity to have conversations about their feelings. Although it is simple, it can be very revealing. It may allow you an insight into what that person may be thinking or feeling.
You may choose to ask questions to help explore their choices and encourage conversation. However, the person doing this activity should not be made to discuss their feelings further if they don’t want to.
Feeling of sadness or anger are normal when doing this activity. It is important to let the person who is doing the activity know that this is ok to feel these emotions.
It is an activity that can be done in one sitting or over time, whichever suits better.
In each Always and Forever Box you will find a canvas, paints, buttons glue and a notepad.
Start with pencil and draw a tree onto the canvas then paint or colour the tree.
The buttons can represent people or memories, just remember to make a note of what each one represents.
Each button can be stuck onto the tree whilst you chat about what they represent and why. This in turn helps to open up conversations. It can help you to discover what your child is thinking about and how they may be feeling.
The paints are included to use on the box itself to make it 100% theirs.
You may find that the person doing this activity needs further support. If you are unable to provide this it is always recommended that you speak to a professional. Some links to professional bodies can be found here;