Memory Box for Mum
Creating a Memory box for mum can be a beautiful way to honour her life and help with the grieving process. Parents can be the hardest people to lose in life, especially if the child concerned is still young.
If we are unfortunate enough to know that one of our parents will soon die, say from diagnosis of a terminal illness, the grieving process starts from the day we find out.
A memory box for mum, or dad, can be a healing activity for all concerned.
There are some great journals available for parents that contain questions for parents to answer. This allows the child of that parent to be able to read about them for themselves.
Take photos, read stories, ask questions and keep mementos. It is items like these that will be treasured in the future.
I will always be grateful to have letters with my Dads handwriting on.
For younger children it might be nice to paint hands & print them onto the box.
There are many ways to use a memory box, but the best way is the one that feels right to you.
A from you to me Dear Mum journal is a beautiful gift to give you any mother. It allows them to answer prepared questions that their children can look back on at any time.
Help and support is available from many charitable organisations such as the Good Grief Trust